Solimo Probiotic Review – It’s a Rip-Off (2023)

Have you ever wondered if the private-label Solimo brand of probiotics sold by Amazon is a rip-off?

In this blog post, we will review the Solimo 10 Billion Probiotic supplement and examine its ingredients, customer reviews, and how it compares to other similar products in the market.

As a nutritionist, I have done my research and found some interesting facts about Solimo that you won't want to miss.

Read on to discover whether Solimo is a worthwhile investment or whether you should look for other options.

What is The Solimo Probiotic Line?


Solimo 10 Billion Probiotic

Solimo is a private-label brand owned by Amazon, which includes a lot of products, including probiotics. Amazon gets these manufactured by other manufacturers, mostly based in Asia on contract, and sells the products under the Solimo brand through its site across several countries.

Although the company claims that the products sold by them under the Solimo brand are chosen randomly, research shows that this is far from the truth. In most cases, these products are copies of other successful products sold on Amazon’s site by other companies.

Amazon sells a wide range of probiotics under it is Solimo brand, including its probiotic gummies with 2 billion CFU and its probiotic capsules, which have 5 billion and 10 billion CFUs. Prebiotics, Immune Support, and a Probiotic Blend of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG.

Amazon also has another private label brand named Revly, which mainly includes its more potent probiotics with 50 billion CFUs and offers custom-made probiotic capsules for women. At the time of writing, I have not reviewed those yet.

Is Solimo 10 Billion Just a Rip Off?

2020 report in Wall Street claimed that Amazon may have used sales data only available in Amazon's backend to find the most popular products according to sales data and then launch competing products that undercut the original.

One of the most popular probiotic supplements with over 20,000 customer reviews on Amazon is Culturelle's Digestive Daily probiotic supplement with its earliest review dating back to 2017.

Digestive Daily contains, 10 Billion CFU (40mg) Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG bacteria with 200mg Inulin prebiotic. Solimo's probiotic supplement contains the same probiotic strain also at 10 Billion CFUs and the same prebiotic fiber with 200mg.

Solimo's earliest review comes just one year after in 2018 and to me it's clear as day that Amazon has seen the sales data and made a decision to create a Solimo's $11.75 clone (no affiliate link) without bothering to add anything extra. Solimo is a probiotic supplement that was not created from the heart with good intentions.

Solimo Ingredients


10 Billion CFUs of L. Rhamnosus GG

Solimo's 10 billion CFU probiotic contains Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG which is a well-studied strain reported to have various health benefits which I have shared in my earlier Culturelle review. Solimo is Gluten & Dairy free which is a good start but it doesn't get any better.

One 2018 proof of concept study published in the peer-reviewed World Journal of Gastroenterology claimed that a Vivo experiment involving 68 Ulcerative colitis patients showed the LGG strain was able to stick to human colonic mucosa and this resulted in anti-inflammatory effects.

The one unique ingredient that Amazon's kind-hearted team decided to add to make this probiotic unique was 3mg of vitamin C. The combination of this vitamin along with probiotics has been studied and it was found that the two worked well together for overall immune health.

One negative point I will give for the clone and original is that they both contain titanium dioxide as a coloring agent which has been shown to potentially be hazardous in larger quantities. If Solimo decided to remove this then it could have been a better probiotic in my opinion.

Solimo Probiotic Reviews

Solimo 10 Billion CFU currently has a 3.7 out of 5 star rating from a total of 48 verified customer reviews. This is quite low compared to what another similar probiotic supplement have.


Solimo Didn't Work

In 2017, Yohan who had a verified purchase claimed that been experimenting with a probiotic yogurt for their stomach issues with great success but eventually decided to Solimo which made their stomach issues come back. After going back to the yogurt their stomach issues were fine again which could be because the quality of Lactobacillus probiotic bacteria in the yogurt was simply better than Solimo.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, after reviewing the Solimo 10 Billion Probiotic supplement, it is clear that there are better alternatives available in the market.

Although the product contains a well-studied strain of probiotics, it lacks additional beneficial ingredients and has received low ratings from customers. As a nutritionist, I would not recommend Solimo to anyone.

Instead, I suggest exploring other options like kefir milk or fermented cabbage sauerkraut, which could provide better quality and a higher dose of Lactobacillus probiotic bacteria.

Remember to always do your research before purchasing any supplements to ensure you are getting the best probiotic strains for your gut.


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