My Plan For
Welcome to my blog!
I have had recurrent Yeast Infections and IBS for far too long now and it has made life difficult (to say the least). The first Probiotic Product I tried, believe it or not made my health issues worse. They also started auto-billing me and wouldn't refund me. It was a complete rip-off.
That left me furious and motivated me to start I invite you to join me on my journey to finding the best Probiotic and fighting the scams. I hope this blog will help at least one person.
I have been testing my first ProBiotic Product for around 1 month now and I have nearly finished writing the review for it. I am nervous but excited to publish it here on this blog.
Stay Tuned and catch you guys later 🙂

Alicia Harper is a NASM-CNC Certified nutritionist and the editor of ProbioticReviewGirl.
After suffering from recurrent gut issues she spent years researching Probiotics and the microbiome.
She has tested 29+ different Probiotics and is a probiotics expert. As a probiotic fanatic, she has valuable knowledge to share with the world.